Riviera di Gallura

Stages of the excursion

The guided excursions on the Riviera di Gallura include 4 LONG STOPS: the island of Spargi (2 hours), the island of Budelli (1 hour and a half), the island of Santa Maria (30 minutes, you can dive from the boat without going down to the island) and La Maddalena (1 hour, with visit to the historic center).


The itinerary

STAGE N° 1 – Cala Corsara, Isola di Spargi
STAGE N° 2 – The natural swimming pools, Budelli island
STAGE N° 3 – The island of Santa Maria
STAGE N° 4 – The historic center of La Maddalena

STAGE N° 1 – Cala Corsara, Isola di Spargi

The journey begins by passing in front of the beautiful villas of Porto Rafael and arrives after only 15 minutes at the beautiful Cala Corsara on the island of Spargi.

Here, after photographing the impressive rocks sculpted by the wind and the sea (Testa di Strega, Cane Bulldog and Stivale d’Italia), you can relax on the beach for an hour and thirty minutes.
Once back on board, it will be possible to buy the delicious lunch prepared by our expert cook Simona, Read the Menu!
Then we set off again and reach the delightful coves of Spargi (Cala Soraya, Cala Granara and Cala Connari).

STAGE N° 2 – The natural swimming pools, Budelli island

STAGE N° 2 – The natural swimming pools, Budelli island

Before arriving at the destination of our second stage, Budelli Island, you will have the opportunity to admire the tall white limestone cliffs of nearby Corsica that bring out the colours of the landscape.

Once on Budelli, you will be enchanted by the extraordinary beauty of the Spiaggia Rosa and the Spiaggia dei Cavalieri, where Budelli’s natural pools are located.

Here you can immerse yourself in a real natural paradise, where the sky-blue hues of the ocean appear to reflect the sky. After a break of an hour and a half we get back on board to cross the Laguna, the Passo degli Asinelli, the Island of Razzoli and the Passo del Topo.

STAGE N° 1 – Cala Corsara, Isola di Spargi
STAGE N° 3 – The island of Santa Maria

STAGE N° 3 – The island of Santa Maria

The next stage around the island of Santa Maria is dedicated to diving and snorkelling enthusiasts. This location is among the most popular for visitors to Sardinia because of its crystal- clear sea and the richness and particular nature of its flora and fauna.

You cannot imagine the thrill of swimming among shoals of saddled bream and sargo!
On the way back, after skirting the islands of Barrettini and the North East side of the island of La Maddalena with its small fishermen’s church overlooking the sea, we get to the final part of the most celebrated and frequented destination in the Archipelago.

STAGE N° 2 – The natural swimming pools, Budelli island
STAGE N° 4 – The historic center of La Maddalena

STAGE N° 4 – The historic center of La Maddalena

What could be better than ending a fantastic day on the beach with a walk around the historic centre of the only town in the whole archipelago?

La Maddalena is well known for its picturesque alleys and stairways that do not seem to have suffered during the passage of time while the centre of the town is also full of craft shops and boutiques for shopping, an excellent opportunity for those who want to take back memories of the trip, buy local products or enjoy a delicious homemade ice cream.

The return journey includes sailing to the port of Palau, passing in front of the island of Santo Stefano, part of the island of Caprera and arriving at the famous Roccia d’Orso.
Between one stage and the other during the trip, the commander will tell you about the history of the Archipelago and some of the most curious anecdotes.
Estimated time of arrival is between 18:00 and 18:30.

Please Note: The captain may change the route due to weather conditions, or according to changes imposed by the Marine Park Management.
Before booking, it is a good idea to contact the staff or the commander to get information about the weather conditions.

STAGE N° 3 – The island of Santa Maria

Departures leave every day from the port of La Maddalena (at 08:40 from Cala Gavetta) and the port of Palau (at 10:20, from Pier 5 in front of the Maritime Station).
The motorboat Riviera di Gallura is the first to leave so you can spend more time on the beach during the excursion.

The Boat

Our excursions take place on board the M / N Riviera di Gallura, a vessel especially built to carry passengers and equipped with the latest equipment in the marine industry, designed with a focus on the comfort and convenience of passengers.

The qualified staff that will welcome you on board have many years experience in navigation and an in-depth knowledge of the coastline of the La Maddalena Archipelago and its islands.

The Riviera di Gallura offers a large lounge with comfortable seating and tables, and outside on the upper deck there are a number of tables and seats which are perfect for enjoying the view while traveling.

Thanks to the areas provided on the boat’s first and second decks, you can easily observe the wonders of the landscape, from the transparency of the crystal clear sea to the most picturesque little bays and the best known beaches which are the jewels of this Archipelago.

To allow easy access during one of the stops at the spiaggia dei Cavalieri, also known as Porto Madonna, we accompany travelers with a spacious raft and rubber dinghy in order to reach the shore and then get back on the boat.

Recommended equipment for the trips:

  • Mask and flippers
  • Cap with visor
  • Swimming costume
  • Sun cream
  • Camera
  • Sunglasses
  • Sandals
  • Lip balm
  • Beach towel

Motorboat equipment

LENGTH: 22 mts – BEAM: 5.50 mts – TONNAGE: 24,50 T

The Riviera di Gallura is a motor yacht that offers the best amenities to make your tour more enjoyable: bar, restaurant, indoor lounge and two bathrooms.

The on-board equipment, the latest in radar and radiotelephone technology, the on-board raft and rubber dinghy guarantee the maximum in safety and the best conditions for travelling, essential elements for a memorable holiday in Sardinia.


The rates for excursions on the Riviera di Gallura motorboat don’t include the disembarkation fee requested by the Municipality of La Maddalena. You must add 2,50 € to the rate for the months of May and September and 5 € for June, July and August. Children from 0 to 6 years old don’t pay the disembarkation fee.

FROM 01/05 TO 31/05
40 € + 2.50 € disembarkation fee
0-3 years old
10 € (insurance cost)
4-10 years old
35 €
FROM 01/06 TO 30/06
45 € + 5 € disembarkation fee
0-3 years old
10 € (insurance cost)
4-10 years old
35 €
FROM 01/07 TO 31/07
50 € + 5 € disembarkation fee
0-3 years old
10 € (insurance cost)
4-10 years old
35 €
FROM 01/08 TO 31/08
60 € + 5 € disembarkation fee
0-3 years old
10 €
4-10 years old
35 €
FROM 01/09 TO 15/09
50 € + 2.50€ disembarkation fee
0-3 years old
10 €
4-10 years old
35 € + 2,50 € disembarkation fee
FROM 16/09 TO 30/10
40 € + 2.50€ disembarkation fee
0-3 years old
4-10 years old
35 € + 2,50 € disembarkation fee

Our feedbacks

Luca V


Su consiglio dell’agenzia che ci ha affittato l’appartamento abbiamo prenotato l’escursione alle isole della Maddalena e grazie a loro abbiamo passato, io e la mia ragazza, una giornata bellissima! Nulla da dire sui paesaggi che si visitano, spargi, budelli, e maddalena. Spaghettata davvero buonissima!!!



Un plauso va fatto ai marinai, sempre sorridenti, disponibili e spiritosi e al capitano della motonave che per tutto il viaggio fornisce spiegazioni dettagliate su cosa si sta vedendo al momento e sulle manovre di bordo, rendendo tutti partecipi.



Veramente spettacolare, il posto, la compagnia, il cibo, l’organizzazione, la gentilezza e la disponibilità dei ragazzi, la bravura e la simpatia del Capitano, rendono questa escursione qualcosa di imparagonabile ed indimenticabile. Quando si va nel nord della Sardegna è una tappa che non può mancare.


These rates don’t include the disembarkation fee due to La Maddalena town council.
You have to add to the following rates 2,5 € in May and September, 5 € in June, July and August.
Children aged from 0 to 6 don’t have to pay this fee.

The rates for excursions on the Festina Lente yacht include landing fees, fuel and skipper costs.


Adults €40 + €2.50 disembarkation fee
Children 0-3 years old Free
Children 4-10 years old 20 €

Adults €45 + €5 disembarkation fee
Children 0-3 years old Free
Children 4-10 years old 25 €

Adults €50 + €5 disembarkation fee
Children 0-3 years old 10 €
Children 4-10 years old 35 €

Adults €60 + €5 disembarkation fee
Children 0-3 years old 10 €
Children 4-10 years old 35 €

From 1st to 15th September
Adults €50 + €2.50 disembarkation fee
Children 0-3 years old Gratis
Children 4-10 years old 35€ + 2,50€ disembarkation fee

From 16th September to 30th October
Adults €40 + €2.50 disembarkation fee
Children 4-10 years old €35+€2,50 disembarkation fee
Children 0-3 years old Gratis


100€ / Exclusive 1200€

120€ / Exclusive 1440€

130€ / Exclusive 1560€

140€ / Exclusive 1680€

1-15 September
140€ / Exclusive 1680€

16-30 September
100€ / Exclusive 1200€


Give us a call to +39 349 3294608 or +39 342 6250245 ( EN, ES, FR ) or fill in the following form.
Requests made using the form should be carried out at least 24 hours in advance and are subject to booking confirmation from the staff.

    Prenota Ora